Flashlight of Awareness Therapy Card

Flashlight of Awareness Therapy Card

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We Feel the Way We Think & Think the Way We Feel, then We Feel the Way We Think, & Think the Way We Feel” ~ Dr Joe Dispenza

We can rewire our brain, by changing what thoughts and feelings we expose it to over time. In a way, we are the authors of our own pain. Our psychology knows the language of the biology and they communicate somewhere in the neighborhood of the pituitary gland - that’s where cognition (Thoughts, emotions, and images in our mind’s eye) is thought to be converted to chemicals that are released into our bloodstream.

This is why we feel the way we think, & think the way we feel, causing us to feel the way we think, and think the way we feel, and so on. This is why rumination is a major culprit in depression.

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